

  • Member Federation Support Programme
Member Federation Support Programme

One of the purpose of European Athletics is to serve all our Member Federations and each of our activities must be measured against this test.

We are fortunate that the commercial success of our competition programme has made it possible to provide our Member Federations with various forms of support in return, which has been constantly developed and enhanced over more than a quarter of a century.

The Member Federation Support Programme represents the latest incarnation of how we provide that support. It reflects the knowledge we have gained and the lessons we have learned in a period covering more than two decades.

One of European Athletics’ priorities is to make sure the support we offer is customised to the specific needs of the federations themselves.

Each federation is unique and faces its own specific set of circumstances and challenges. A one-size-fits-all programme is now outmoded and no longer the most effective way to support federations as they work towards our collective strategic aim of developing athletics and making it ‘Your Sport for Life’ for every European.

The Member Federation Support Programme is designed with the intent that every federation can benefit and clearly see how it benefits from what is on offer. The regulations emphasise a project-oriented approach, flexibility, and the sharing of ideas as well as accountability.

This Member Federation Support Programme 2024-25, approved by the European Athletics Council, will see CHF 795,000 distributed during 2024 and again in 2025.

The grants are distributed among the 51 Member Federations with amounts allocated ranging from CHF 500 to CHF 24,500 for the two-year period.

The proposals for grants broadly fall into three areas:

  • Structuring Grant (designed for ‘Developing Member Federations’)

The grant is CHF 10,000 per ‘Developing Member Federation’ project for each of the two years of the current programme.

  • Development Projects

This grant is open to all Member Federations for a subvention of up to CHF 12,000 per year. Project areas included youth activities, club systems, running, volunteering, integrity, athlete development, commercial strengthening, and digitalisation.

  • Cooperation Project

As an alternative to the Development Project, Developing and Established Member Federations can partner with another Member Federation to implement their project. The subvention is also up to CHF 12’000 per year.

  • Incentive Activities Payments

European Athletics usually provides funds that allow the participation of Member Federation delegates to participate in educational activities or competitions. The basic grant of CHF 500 is provided to all Member Federations to cover their annual membership fee according to the European Athletics Constitution (Article 39).

Member Federations Support Programme Regulations 2024-2025 Member Federation Support Programme Regulations (download here).


More information: [email protected]

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