An excellent roster of speakers has been confirmed for the eighth European Pole Vault and High Jump Symposium which will be held at the German Sport University in Cologne, Germany from 9-11 November.
The European Pole Vault and High Symposium is part of the European Athletics Coaching Summit Series with four conferences scheduled throughout November. The up-to-date schedule can be found here.
Once again top coaches, sports scientists and athletes will come together for the three day event to discuss the latest development in their events. At present 140 coaches from 18 countries have already signed up for this year’s event and places are still available.
Click here for more information about registration.
Three of the main speakers during the conference are Carlo Thranhardt, Bjorn Otto and Tamas Kiss who will share the knowledge and expertise.
Thranhardt still holds the European indoor high jump record with 2.42m from 1988 and Otto holds the German pole vault record with 6.01m. They will both present their career reports to the conference with an emphasis on the technical aspects relating to their events.
Kiss is one of Germany’s leading horizontal and vertical jumps coaches and he will give two presentations focusing specifically on the high jump. Other leading speakers include former Italian international high jumper Giulio Ciotti who will give a presentation on his practical and theoretical approach to coaching the high jump.
Gareth Nicholson and Brian Henley will both present their findings from an in-depth biomechanical study which was conducted at the 2017 IAAF World Championships in London and 2018 IAAF World Indoor Championships in Birmingham.
The full itinerary for the conference can be found under “related documents.”