Kevin Mayer was planning to go on holiday after the Berlin 2018 European Athletics Championships but the Frenchman rearranged his plans after the pre-competition favourite and event leader recorded three fouls in the decathlon long jump.
Just over a month later in Talence on Sunday (16), the Frenchman achieved what many in the sport thought he was capable of doing: breaking Ashton Eaton’s three-year-old world record of 9045 points. Not only did Mayer surpass that total, he also became the first athlete to break 9100 points for the ten event discipline with 9126 points.
Remarkably, Mayer achieved identical first day and second day scores of 4563 points. His second day score was also the biggest in decathlon history by more than 100 points.
100 metres
Kevin Mayer began his decathlon campaign in brilliant form, improving his lifetime best once again from 10.64 to 10.55 for 963 points.
EXCLU : Revivez l'énorme 100m de @mayer_decathlon qui a explosé son record perso avec un chrono de 10''55
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 15, 2018
Le @decastar_off et le gros week-end de Kevin Mayer à suivre en exclusivité sur #RMCSport 2 âžÂ¡ @FFAthletisme
Long jump
This event proved Mayer's undoing at the European Championships in Berlin but he got it absolutely right in Talence. His opening jump of 7.56m ensured good points on the board but he improved to 7.80m on his third attempt for 1010 points. Two events, two lifetime bests.
EXCLU : Le saut fantastique de @mayer_decathlon... qui a pulvérisé de 15 centimètres son record à la longueur 2 épreuves et déjà 2 records pour Kevin Mayer, quelle journée !
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 15, 2018
Le @decastar_off en exclu sur #RMCSport 2 âžÂ¡ #RMClive #decastar2018
Shot put
Mayer couldn't quite extend his sequence of personal bests but a throw of 16.00m for 851 points represented his best ever mark in a decathlon.
1er lancer et encore une jolie marque pour @mayer_decathlon
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 15, 2018
âš Kevin Mayer a lancé à 16m pour son 1er essai au poids... pas son record perso, mais 24 cm de mieux qu'aux JO 2016 Ça promet !
Pour vous abonner âžÂ¡ #decastar2018
High jump
Kevin Mayer's record aspirations almost suffered a blip in the fourth event but he cleared 1.99m on his third attempt before clearing 2.02m and then 2.05m on his third attempt for 850 points.
INCROYABLE @mayer_decathlon Quel mental, quel saut ! A son 3e essai, encore, Kevin Mayer passe la barre des 2,05m ! FAN-TAS-TI-QUE !
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 15, 2018
Le @decastar_off et le week-end de folie de Kevin Mayer en exclu sur #RMCSport 2 âžÂ¡ #RMClive #decastar2018
400 metres
Mayer concluded his first day by finishing second in the 400m in 48.42 for 889 points, just outside his lifetime best of 48.26 from the 2017 World Championships.
â° Fin de journée pour Kevin Mayer, toujours dans les temps du record du monde d'Ashton Eaton après son 48''42 sur le 400m !
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 15, 2018
Revivez la dernière course de ce samedi de @mayer_decathlon ⤵
110m hurdles
Mayer was pushed all the way by European champion Arthur Abele from Germany in the adjacent lane and was rewarded with another fast time: 13.75 into a 1.1 m/s headwind for 1007 points. That also equalled his best ever time in a decathlon.
EXCELLENT @mayer_decathlon
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 16, 2018
âš Kevin Mayer lance sa 2e journée par un très bon chrono de 13''75 sur le 110m haies C'est tout simplement son record en décathlon !
Le @decastar_off exclu sur #RMCSport 2 âžÂ¡ #decastar2018
Mayer saved his best throw for last with 50.54m for 882 points, the second best mark of his career and his best in a full decathlon.
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 16, 2018
âš @mayer_decathlon va chercher un énorme jet à 50,54m sur son dernier essai ! Le Français est en AVANCE sur le record du monde d'@AshtonJEaton
@decastar_off exclu sur #RMCSport 2 âžÂ¡
Pole vault
Mayer had an indifferent pole vault at the IAAF World Championships in London and at the IAAF World Indoor Championships in Birmingham but the Frenchman was brilliant today, clearing 5.45m on his first attempt for 1051 points.
Kevin Mayer un peu plus proche des étoiles
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 16, 2018
Mais où va-t-il s'arrêter ?! @mayer_decathlon est HALLUCINANT et passe les 5,45m dès son 1er essai : 80pts d'avance sur le record du monde !
@decastar_off sur #RMCSport 2 âžÂ¡ #decastar2018
His third lifetime best of the competition. Mayer's two opening throws of 66.34m and 65.43m represented solid efforts which put him further ahead of world record pace but the 26-year-old produced an exceptional throw of 71.90m on his third attempt for 918 points. His tally after nine events: 8421 points.
C'EST UN MONSTRE !!! Record personnel pour Kévin Mayer au javel (71m90) ! EX-CEP-TION-NEEEEEEEL !!! 205 pts d'avance sur le record du monde avant le 1500m final ! #RMCLive #Decastar2018 #RMCSport2
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 16, 2018
1500 metres
With 4:36.11 in the 1500m for 705 points, Mayer took the world record away from Eaton, surpassing the 9100 point barrier in the process.
#Decastar2018 ⚡ RECORD PULVÉRISÉ !!! Avec 4'36 au 1500m, @mayer_decathlon franchit la barre mythique des 9 100 points avec un score stratosphérique de 9 126 points. HIS-TO-RIQUE !!! #RMCLive #RMCSport2
— RMC Sport (@RMCsport) September 16, 2018